Many of you reading this will be able to look back on your own childhood perhaps fondly remembering the things you learned as you were growing up from your parents, grandparents, teachers or others with whom you came into contact with – sometimes it might have been some useful knowledge that was passed on to you or, more importantly, maybe you benefited from a stable upbringing in a warm, loving environment in which you were able, as a child, to get to appreciate what was right or wrong in life and also within your own behaviour and attitudes and to establish a set of ‘values’ which you’ve maintained throughout your adulthood.
You’ll also have developed a solid foundation upon which to build relationships with your peers and with others which will have been carried on through into adulthood. There is no doubt that the world would be a happier, safer and much better place were we all able to have a similar experience. However, for many children, this simply isn’t the case. Whether it’s due to neglect, abuse, social deprivation, being orphaned, being abandoned or for any other reason, some children do not experience anything like this form of upbringing which is where becoming a child mentor can play an extremely important part in re-establishing a child’s place in the world and gives them a sense of self-worth, confidence and identity.
Mentoring Organisations
There are several organisations which specialise in early intervention and aim to assist primary school children so that they are not at risk of social exclusion and behavioural problems later in life. Ultimately, the role of a child mentor is intended to achieve lasting change in the life of a child by encouraging and nurturing the development of important life skills.
What Type Of Children Do These Organisations Work With?
The type of children you may get to work with as a child mentor will vary tremendously as they’ll all have their own unique backgrounds, personalities and issues but the one thing they’ll all have in common is that they will all feel vulnerable in some way or other. They may have suffered from family neglect, instability at home or lack of adult supervision and may experience problems ranging from poor social skills, difficulty in forming healthy peer relationships, bad conduct, hyperactivity, poor concentration etc. Usually, they will have come to the attention of the organisation as a result of being contacted by a child’s primary school.
How Might I Get Involved And Do I Have The Right Skills?
You would need to complete the relevant application forms along with police check forms and supply details of two character references after which the organisation would supply you with details of the next available training dates. It’s not necessary to have particular skills but more a case of your personal qualities and values that they’re looking for along with your commitment and enthusiasm. The type of qualities you’d need would include a friendly approach and an ability to relate to people especially children, a sensitive tactful manner, enthusiasm, a sense of responsibility, good listening skills, common sense in abundance, a sense of humour, consistency, self-motivation and a commitment to see things through.
What Might The Work Involve?
You’d become the child’s confidante and able to listen to their concerns and problems. You’d want to gain the trust and respect of the child so that they will value your opinions when it comes to you trying to get them to understand the consequences of their actions and choices. You’d also want them to discuss their own goals and to come up with ways in which they might be achieved and to encourage them to develop their own social skills. You would be involved in sharing positive experiences with them and to encourage them when they do particularly well to reinforce the progression they have made. You’d discuss their progress with the child him/herself whilst you are mentoring them and both with your supervisor and, where appropriate, with the child’s parents through building up a relationship with them also and you would be expected to plan and record each session you spend with the child and to be able to report and give feedback on their progress. You’d also be responsible for the child’s safety at all times whenever they are in your care. Being able to offer a couple of hours a week, every week is crucial in this type of role. It is not for the faint-hearted and for those who may not be able to meet with the child on a regular basis as this could be very detrimental to the child’s progress as they will have put a lot of trust and faith in you.
Becoming a child mentor can seem quite daunting if you’ve never thought about it previously. And, whilst the prospect can seem very challenging, most mentors are simply ordinary people carrying out an extraordinary role so you should not be put off by thinking it would be beyond you, as the likelihood is that if it’s something you find very appealing, you would probably be very good at it given adequate support and training.
There are other more informal ways you can become a voluntary child mentor. For teenagers, for example, why not contact your local youth club or community centre to see if there are any opportunities to work with teenagers within your local community as this is another area where you can make a real difference. You’ll not only be helping someone to steer a more productive path for themselves through life, you’ll feel very appreciated and rewarded to and it will be an experience you’ll never forget and you’ll probably also end up with a friend for life.
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I would to support children and direct my career in mentoring
Lisa - 8-Oct-20 @ 3:54 PM
Am interested in mentoring kids and would like a career in it .
Pam - 28-Jan-19 @ 3:42 PM
I am very passionat about this work and i want to work in the field of volunteering because i have worked in some countries
Safa - 22-Sep-18 @ 10:13 PM
Hi I am a self employed person who would like to get involved in mentoring possibly young offenders or care leavers. From a difficult background my self myself,I feel I have a lot to offer but I am having terrible trouble finding any opportunities in the Manchester/ Stockport area. No one answers calls or they don’t get back to you. I did the training for probation volunteer a year ago and was just getting into it when they disbanded it , it’s very frustrating - any psuggestions if organisations I could contact please ?
Karl - 2-May-18 @ 9:44 AM
I had everything as a kid .That ment nothing to me i became a rebble but i met my now wife of almost 24 years & i new that rebble was gone You need that something in life & i would love to help that someone be something & enjoy life
Daz - 1-May-18 @ 10:58 PM
i have been seeking to do some voluntary work to gain more skills for my self and develop my self around this particular section to build my confidence within my self and help other within there selfs
chinaa - 22-Mar-18 @ 6:52 PM
T - Your Question:
Hello I was wondering how I would be able to spend time with this child. I was wondering if there is a specific location and can I take them out to spend some quality time.
Our Response:
Try searching for child mentoring volunteer opportunities in your area - there are some suggestions in our response to @Danny below.
VoluntaryWorker - 18-Dec-17 @ 3:26 PM
Hello I was wondering how I would be able to spend time with this child. I was wondering if there is a specific location and can I take them out to spend some quality time.
T - 16-Dec-17 @ 3:45 AM
Hi I am looking for volunteering opportunities fro my daughter in Barnet as part of her bronze D of E. She is 15 and great wtih kids, very creative etc so all suggestions welcome! Thanks
nicole - 10-Oct-17 @ 3:05 PM
I would like to get involved in volunteer work with children. I'm a nanny and have many years experience working with children.
I study life coaching and nutrition and believe I have a lot to offer for the youth of today. I am passionate about child development, positive encouragement and showing children the skills/techniques to have the best life they can have.
Jaz - 18-Mar-17 @ 5:48 PM
I am looking foreward to working with children!My goal is to open up a school for mentoring children in the memory of my cousin Emma Lou!
Mandisa - 30-Jan-17 @ 8:44 PM
Danny - Your Question:
Hi I am a black mixed race male who would like to enquire about getting involved as a child mentor. I am married with a son who is twelve and work full time as an electrician but would like to know if this is possible without experience. And would like to help
I am a black mixed race male who would like to enquire about getting involved as a child mentor. I am married with a son who is twelve and work full time as an electrician but would like to know if this is possible without experience. And would like to help
Danny - 23-Nov-16 @ 11:59 PM
Hi I am based in Reading and would like to volunteer/help struggling kids (who can't afford tutors) with school work or others. I'm French and a chemist so could help out in these 2 areas. Any info would be welcome. Many thanks.
Bene - 15-Nov-16 @ 11:00 PM
I currently volunteer for a local charity that educates excluded children. We are their last resort!I previously trained as a mentor to children coming out of care. Then they went into supportedlodgings at 16!Our training was paid for by the Princes Trust. I trained at the Family Centre of Hants Social Services in Alton. We all loved mentoring but we were disbanded by the Labour Party who put the responsibility for mentoring into the hands of private companies and the children's peer groups within school. I would very much like to return to mentoring vulnerable children in or leaving care. However I love my work with excluded children so would run the two side by side. Fran.
Fran - 10-Aug-16 @ 9:29 AM
I am currently enrolled on a social science uni degree to start this September. I would really like to work with young children mentoring them helping and guiding them. To be able to listen to them and advise them.
Em - 24-May-16 @ 10:24 PM
I became a volunteer 'big brother' with BB&S-UK twelve years ago but the organisation folded, in my area at least, due to lack of funding about four years in. I kept up the role though and my mentee is like a son to me. He's twenty now and doing great. It's a friendship I hope will last for life, but now he's grown up I'd like to do the same again for another kid. Are you able to point me towards a similar organisation that might be interested? Grateful, James
James - 12-Mar-16 @ 9:05 AM
I am interested in becoming a, child mentor how do i go about this. Currently doing a, degree, in social science.In my 2nd year. But want to further, my career after the degree and, do social work. But would like some, opportunities to gain some, experience working with, children.
Sarah - 1-Mar-16 @ 12:41 PM
I forgot to add we live in the west midlands just outside coventry
lioness - 18-Jan-16 @ 5:33 PM
I'm hoping to find a black/mixed race male mentor for my 9 year old mixed race son.his own father was violent so not a safe role model and he's grown up without a positive black male influence in his life.this breaks my heart and I'd do anything to rectify this and give my child a greater feeling of self worth/confidence.if anyone knows where I can find a mentor program or start the ball rolling please advise I'd be so grateful
lioness - 18-Jan-16 @ 5:32 PM
Interested in becoming a young persons mentor.currently studying level 2 T.A comecing March 2016.
Please can you help.
Thank you.
Bo - 23-Dec-15 @ 9:09 PM
I grew up in care and would like to help children who have no one and be friend when then need, I got into trouble with the police when I was younger I was 18 I'm now44 and have stayed out of trouble... Is irlt possible to still volunteer
Jay - 16-Nov-15 @ 11:11 PM
I am interested as volunteering as a Child mentor. Are there any organisations in West Sussex, Surrey orHants? ...I live on the borders of all three.
Smithy - 11-Nov-15 @ 6:51 PM
I am in Birmingham...interested in helping young kid's.
Soff - 1-Nov-15 @ 10:24 PM
Am in my final year of stuudying youth and community work, and am looking work experience and would like to volunteer. I have worked in partnership with young people in empower and support them to achieve their full potential in an holistic environment. Also engaging young people in an educational process that engages with them in a curriculum built from their lived experience and their personal beliefs and aspirations. Thereby enable and empowering and encouraging them to voice their opinions and influence the community in which they live in.
Hetty - 30-Oct-15 @ 9:31 PM
Hi I would like to worth with children from age11-19 with behavioural problems or with young offenders/ probation how do I go about volunteering or where do I go to do this? Thanks
Tee - 28-Sep-15 @ 11:11 PM
Hi I would like to be a mentor for children in the Cheshire/Manchester area. Please can you let me know who to contact?
rina - 29-Aug-15 @ 9:40 PM
can you point me in right direction for Waltham Forest areas. In particular Walthamstow? Thanks
QueenKayani - 2-Aug-15 @ 11:53 PM
i would like to become a mentor in the Bloxwich area. I have NVQ Level 3, Children and Young People's Workforce.
Thank you
Milly Re: Volunteering to Help Premature Babies
Hi All,
I was wondering if there were any cuddle programs in Wimbledon or Hammersmith areas hospitals where I could…
9 February 2025
Mia Re: Volunteering for Young People
Hi, I'm 13 and I'm looking for a bit of voluntary work. I would prefer something to do with animals but I'm ok with anything.…
1 February 2025
Dan Re: Volunteering for Young People
Hi there My name is Dan and I've been looking for a volunteering role for my DofE bronze. I live in South East London have you…
Linda Re: Volunteering to Help Premature Babies
Hi my name is Linda and I live in Glasgow. I would love to cuddle babies as a volunteer. I have raised 3 children of…
Miny Re: Volunteering to Help Premature Babies
I am Latino-American, living in Cambridge for 43 years, England. I've worked as a Teacher of Information Technology at…
Re: Volunteering to Help Premature Babies
Hi All, I was wondering if there were any cuddle programs in Wimbledon or Hammersmith areas hospitals where I could…
Re: Volunteering for Young People
Hi, I'm 13 and I'm looking for a bit of voluntary work. I would prefer something to do with animals but I'm ok with anything.…
Re: Volunteering for Young People
Hi there My name is Dan and I've been looking for a volunteering role for my DofE bronze. I live in South East London have you…
Re: Volunteering With Your Local Young Offenders Team
Would love to offer some time to support young offenders. Please send me more info.
Re: Volunteering to Help Premature Babies
Hi my name is Linda and I live in Glasgow. I would love to cuddle babies as a volunteer. I have raised 3 children of…
Re: Volunteering to Help Premature Babies
I am passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of others, especially the most vulnerable members of…
Re: Volunteering With Meals on Wheels
Hi can someone contact me I want to volunteer for Christmas meals in wheels
Re: Volunteering With the Woodland Trust
Hi, my name's mark and I'm interested in outside volunteering don't mind anything physical.
Re: Volunteering With Your Local Young Offenders Team
Hello, my name is Serenella and would love to volunteer with the young offenders team. Could you please…
Re: Volunteering to Help Premature Babies
I am Latino-American, living in Cambridge for 43 years, England. I've worked as a Teacher of Information Technology at…